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【rlyl物种说】今日–非洲八色鸫(African Pitta)

作者:尘风发布:2021-12-11 16:30:00阅读:4,792次

界:动物界 Animalia

门:脊索动物门 Chordata

纲:鸟纲 Aves

目:雀形目 Passeriformes

科:八色鸫科 Pittidae

属:八色鸫属 Pitta

种:非洲八色鸫 P. angolensis(Vieillot, 1816)


物种概述 Summary

中文名:非洲八色鸫(拼音:fēi zhōu bā sè dōng);

英文名:African Pitta;

学名:Pitta angolensis。



地理分布 Distribution


知识 Knowledge

非洲八色鸫学名:Pitta angolensis,由法国鸟类学家–路易€€让€€皮埃尔€€贝洛特(Louis Jean Pierre Vieillot)于1816年命名。

非洲八色鸫的英文介绍 Introduction

The African pitta (Pitta angolensis) is a species of bird in the Pittidae family. It is a locally common to uncommon species, resident and migratory in the west, and an intra-African migrant between equatorial and southeastern Africa. They are elusive and hard to observe despite their brightly coloured plumage, and their loud, explosive calls are infrequently heard. The plump, somewhat thrush-like birds forage on leaf litter under the canopy of riparian or coastal forest and thickets, or climax miombo forest, where they may stand motionless for long periods. Breeding birds will however call and display from the mid-canopy. The green-breasted pitta replaces it in the interior of tropical rainforests.

